Friday, April 4, 2014

The end of the season is not the final episode...

Sometimes I am just caught off guard by an old picture of my kids. Or think of cute things they used to say... and I just can't believe how much they have grown. How smart they are. How loving they are. And just how quick they grow. Zackary turned nine a few months ago. Which in my head was the halfway mark to 18. The year (in my head) that he will leave our home. Hopefully going to college ;). But its sad for me to think that the time I have already spend with him, is now growing to be more than the time I have left with him. Not to mention that his life until now, has been full of days with hugs, and kisses... and wanting and needing to be with me. I know there are years coming that won't be like that. That one day he won't want to kiss & hug me when he leaves for the day. He won't want to sit in my lap. He won't want to hold my hand. He won't need me. And I am sure there will be many days he won't like me. Heart. Breaking. So I read many mom-type blogs. This morning, another mom was comparing the seasons in a child's life to the season on a TV series. Best put was "no matter what you are going through, the end of the season is not the final episode." It just made me think. Even though we may be done with so many things, and through so many stages... we still have many more to come. I'm sure we will be glad some "seasons" are over, but my heart breaks to stop time in others.

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