Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blind as a bat!

My Alyssa... sweet girl. She has these prisms on her glasses, and is finally adjusting to them. The first few days were a mix of comical, and sadness. She hated the glasses, and whoever tried ot put them on her face. She just cried... one of the saddest cries I've ever seen when she had to wear them. She couldn't see. She bumped into walls, knocked over cups trying to get a drink. She would reach for her silver wear at dinner, and not even touch it. These "prisms", are like some crazy version of 3-D meets quadruple-vision lens mix. Looking through them makes me feel like I just stepped of the "Gravitron" ride a t a carnival! She has adjusted to them quite well over the past couple days, we're just hoping to find the right prism fast, to get this whole thing behind us!

Alyssa's birthday party was yesterday. A small one. Probably the most relaxed I have ever been for one of their parties, I may opt to keep them this way in the future. It was pretty simple--hot dogs, cake, gifts and a playground.

We're about to take a trip to Michigan. I'm behind as ever on homework. I've got to finish last weeks (its not due until midnight), then do this weeks... and then next week's because we probably won't have internet connection where we'll be staying. Honestly, this trip isn't the most exciting thing in the world to me. Not my home. Not my family. Not my friends. But it's not a totally bad thing either, and Chris has endured many trips to Texas with a smile on his face. I owe him this one :). Hopefully I can find some fun (cheap) things to do with the kids while Chris and his family do all the moving... which is why we are making this trip.

Zack will miss his last week of school for the Michigan shin-dig. I didn't realize this until last week. It makes me kinda sad that he doesn't get to say bye to all his friends... I mean I'm sure he'll say bye... but a bunch of 4-5 year olds don't realize when he says bye on Friday-- he won't be coming back on Monday. He'll also be going to a different school next year, so he won't see most of them next year.

BTW... today is Mother's Day, it's 4pm, and NO ONE in my house has murmured a "Happy Mother's Day." I'll cut Chris a break since he's working though. I told Zack and Alyssa is was Sunday-- Mother's Day. They could care less, Alyssa has new toys to be played with.

One more thing... my ice maker--it has a mind of it's own. It either refuses to make ice for weeks at a time, or, like now, it will not stop! The bin is overflowing, and ice is everywhere! I could easily turn it off, but we'll forget to turn it back on, and be in the opposite situation, dying for ice in three days, and of course by then, the dang thing will refuse to produce any ice.

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